I have always wanted to do more with photography then just shooting what all the others shoot. I have always had a passion to disturb people in a good way, open eyes. There is so much wrong in this world and I want to show you through my eyes what I see. I am going to start shooting problems in an artistic way. Hope to disturb you all, and open unseeing eyes.
X - Natasha
Want to take this journey with me? Send disturbing/ world problems to nvemephotography@gmail.com and I will try to come up with artistic photographs to convey your message

My Best friend. She is so beautiful, and has such a beautiful soul. Such a strong woman can never be locked up and I have a feeling she never will be. Most people are afraid to speak out on their past. Yet here she is vulnerable and naked telling the whole world her story. I love you Natalia.
Sexual abuse is not a laughing matter. One night I was with amazing friends at a trampoline park here in Utah valley called 'hangtime' there were a few younger boys maybe 15-17? They nicknamed their friend a very nasty perverse name they called him pedi/pedophile it was terrible! What kind of nickname is that? So offensive and should NEVER be taken that lightly. Luckily... My friend is the manager there and told the kid to cut it out. It just broke my heart that young kids could joke about something so serious! Men AND women have suffered sexual abuse for so long and I just feel like it needs to be addressed over and OVER again. Which is really sad. If you're having disturbing thoughts about hurting someone in a sexual way please get help. Talk to a councilor, doctor, ANYONE before another innocent soul gets hurt.
X O X O - Natasha
Did you know that 1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted by the time they reach adult hood? That 1 in third woman is your mother, your sister, your daughter, etc... This is a constant battle that men and woman have to fight every single day. I would know. Sadly a few days after my eighteenth birthday I was raped. For a whole year I believed this ordeal was all MY fault, and I was depressed because I had brought it upon myself. I literally didn't have a life. I didn't have a job, go to school, socialize... I sat in my room every single day and didn't want to do anything. This was the first time in my life I truly believed life wasn't worth living. I wanted to die. Finally after some soul searching I realized NONE of what had happened was my fault. As a matter of fact I really didn't have a choice. I had been dating the man for a while and he had suddenly burst one day and decided to take matters in his own hands. Actually that was the plan all along. From the moment I was told I wasn't trustworthy, out of shape, had small boobs, didn't know how to dress etc... he had a plan. I used to ask myself the questions, "Why me?" or "How did he find me?" I was asking the wrong questions. "Why not me?" "Who else has been through this that I can help?" These were the right questions. Now that it has been about 4 years I can honestly say I have recovered a lot, though I do realize I will be healing for the rest of my life. At least I have the opportunity to help others. Here's to a long journey of self discovery. I am so grateful for a family that loves me. I'm extremely grateful for a twin sister that helped me through those hard depressing months, and last but not least I am EXTREMELY grateful for a husband who knows how to treat a woman with respect and love. Without him I probably would have fallen into another vicious relationship. Thanks for letting me discomfort some of you. Life is beautiful thing and though sad things happen at least we have the opportunity to grow and help others. To a better future full of love and opportunity!
Xo Natalia
(Tattoo: Hamsa hand tattoo- Protection against evil eyes)
(Tattoo: Hamsa hand tattoo- Protection against evil eyes)
Today I would like to bring attention to a fatal disease: Eating Disorders
This shoot was a very personal shoot, which is why I decided to be the subject with a noose measuring tape. When I came up with the idea I was literally measuring my self to see if I had lost any inches. I had, which made me extremely happy because I had lost those inches in a healthy way by changing my eating habits and going to the gym about 3 times a week. However- sitting there looking at that measuring tape reminded me of a not so happy time in my life. I too have been sucked in to societies idea of 'beauty' 'skinny' 'perfection' my eating disorder may not have been as drastic as others, but it was something I did, and something that caused depression. Kate Moss once said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." Well that's a bunch of BULL SHI+ when I was at my skinniest due to not eating I was more unhappy than ever. Now that I have taken on pilates, and actually EATING I have never been happier with my body. No matter how 'skinny' you get when doing it the wrong way you will NEVER be satisfied! You will NEVER measure up to what you want! I know from personal experience that Anorexia is not the way to happiness, and I assume Bulimia as well.
If you are struggling with an eating disorder there is help for you yet. Here are a few things I did to overcome mine:
- The mirror fast (Do not look in a mirror for as long as it takes until you realize your beauty is on the inside, NOT the outside.)
- Eating healthy (Something I still struggle with, but it truly does wonders.)
- Drinking lots of water!
- Do not weigh yourself (No matter how tempting... DO NOT DO IT!)
- Want to wear clothes that feel loose and baggy? Don't loose weight by starving yourself... BUY clothes that are one size bigger than usual.
- Find a healthy hobby
- Work out
- DO NOT look up skinny women on the internet, do not buy magazines, cut out anything in your social networks that make you depressed.
- Build relationships with people
- Talk to someone about your struggles
Hopefully these help. Remember there is a healthy way to accomplish that 'thigh gap'
I would also like to state; Suicide is a very serious matter. These photos are meant to portray the fact that eating disorders are deadly, imprisoning, and depressing. If you are having suicidal thoughts please contact an adult, doctor, teacher, friend, police, etc. for help. There is light in this life and sometimes we need that extra help to find it in our own. Do not give up. You're loved.
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